08 February 2017

Faso Raises Funds While Our Healthcare is At Risk

Sidewalk Rally
Faso Fundraiser
Thursday Feb 9 
5pm - 7:30 
Fort Orange Club, 110 Washington Avenue, Albany

While all of us are fighting to save and expand affordable healthcare for millions of Americans, instead of holding town hall meetings with his constituents, newly-elected Congressman Faso is already holding a fancy fundraising party at the Fort Orange Club in Albany. 

Since you can’t afford a $2,700 ticket* to speak with your Congressman, why not join a rally in front of the event and make sure your voice is heard? 
*prices vary

Sponsored by Citizen Action NY and SEIU 1199

#StandUpFightBack for our healthcare! 
#CareNotChaos #WheresFaso 

Where's Faso? He's raising funds, instead of meeting with his constituents.

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